We’re getting a jump on our spring cleaning here at ThoughtExchange HQ (it’s almost spring, right?) and that doesn’t just mean emptying file cabinets and broom closets. It also means taking some of the feedback we’ve heard from our leaders and participants and using it to keep our software neat and tidy, too. In this release we’re adding some polish by:
Improving User Management
Under the ‘Admin Settings’ menu, administrators can now quickly and easily see who is assigned to a role and their affiliated rooms by clicking the button associated with the role they are interested in. For example, clicking the ‘Leader’ button in the ‘Role’ column will highlight the rooms in which that person is a leader and grey out the rooms where they are not.
People with Customer Admin roles have account-wide admin permissions, so hovering over that button displays a message that says “Admin in all rooms.”
Adding a ‘Last edited’ date on Exchanges
This one is a small change to provide some useful information, letting people in your room differentiate Exchanges that are actively being worked on from those that are less active. The Exchange card now displays the last date that a change was saved.
Improving the Participant Experience
We’ve added some clearer messaging for participants letting them know when they’ve entered an Exchange that is complete. Closed Exchanges will now display a message reading “This Exchange is now complete” at the top of each page. Participants who are logged in with an email address and password will also receive a pop-up directing them to the ‘View results’ page. Participants who are not logged in will see the same pop-up once they accept the ThoughtExchange Terms of Use.
We’re also simplifying the messaging we use to guide participants from the Share step to the Rate step. Now, after a participant shares a new thought, they will be asked to either click a button to share another thought or click a second button to rate the thoughts others have shared.
Adding Themes to Differences
To help leaders gain some additional, quick insights into the Differences analyses in their Exchanges, we’ve added the option to add theme-tags to each thought that appears in the comparison. Now, you can quickly see if there are any major topics that your Differences groups were organized around by selecting a theme set from the menu at the top of the page.
Enhancing Filtering in Summary Reports
Sharing detailed results just got a whole lot easier! Leaders can now add a filtering option to the Bars section of their Summary Reports that allows readers to filter the results based on any or all of the survey questions that were included in the Exchange. Viewers can see the largest or highest rated themes for all or any subset of the groups created by the question.
If you have questions about this update or anything else ThoughtExchange, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We love hearing from you.
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