It may still be the dead of winter for many of us, but here at Thoughtexchange we’re getting a jump on our spring cleaning anyway. We will be updating our software on February 2, 2021 at 9:00 PM.
This update will mostly be to make some changes behind the scenes to smooth out your ThoughtExchange experience (tidying up our code, giving a few features a tune up, etc.), but a couple things you might notice are:
- Expanded machine-moderation capabilities (you can now choose to automatically remove duplicate thoughts shared by the same participant).
- Improvements to better support accessibility.
- A face-lift to TeLabs, because even new, experimental features deserve to look cool (definitely check this one out, if you’re unfamiliar with TeLabs).
Bonus: Shortly after the release we will be adding an onboarding feature to the Discover Dashboard to help new leaders get the most out of all the great analysis tools that live there. As a result, we have updated our subprocessors to include a new third-party partner.
If you have any questions about this update (or any other ThoughtExchange features) feel free to drop us a line at We would love to hear from you!
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