Leader Activity View
We have added a Leader View, for the leader of a Thoughtexchange to view and perform each of the leader activities (access the edit screen, close an exchange, create a report etc) from a central place. It used to be a small menu but now has its own whole screen!
(To review the thoughts and results of your exchange select ‘Participate’ from the Leader View and scroll through.)
“Report” a thought
Making sure thoughts are kept polite and on-topic just got easier. Participants can now report a thought to the leader as either Rude/Hurtful or Other and enter a reason why they are reporting it. Reporting a thought does not remove it from the exchange but leaders are notified.
Participants can remove the report by clicking on the flag icon a second time.
Leaders can remove the thought by clicking on the thought menu (see below) or through the Leader Activity "Flagged thoughts" (see above).
“Skip” a thought
A much-requested feature has been implemented to allow participants to skip a thought. Clicking on the thought menu will bring up the option to “report” a thought or “skip” it.
Clarity to Registration Required
On the edit screen, the option to have registration turned on or off has been simplified for clarity. It now says “Participant registration required” and the toggle is set to default to the “on” position. If you want registration turned off, simply toggle to ‘off’.
Slack integration
For organizations that use Slack as an internal communication tool, you can now create an exchange in a Slack private channel as quickly and simply as typing /te <and adding your question here>. Authorize the integration between Slack and your organization and you’re off and running!
This feature is still in Beta. If you use Slack and are interested in using the integration let us know at feedback@thoughtexchange.com
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