Better. Stronger. Faster.
Hola, bonjour, and hello! Multiple languages are now available within a single Advanced exchange for 4.x Enterprise customers.
With 4.x, we've supported multiple languages - but, until now, each language required its own separate exchange. We’re excited to introduce support for multiple languages in a single Advanced exchange. Great ideas come in every language, so we’re not about to let that barrier keep meaningful conversations from taking place.
Currently, English, French, and Spanish are supported.
Introducing Discover Dashboard in Advanced exchanges for 4.x Enterprise customers.
The Discover Dashboard is a new feature for projects, designed to help Decision Leaders and their facilitators understand and gain valuable exchange insights.
This release also lays the groundwork for some really cool analytics and data-science-y stuff coming down the pipe. We’re excited to see the Discover Dashboard continue to grow and evolve over future releases.
Introducing the Top Thoughts Report for Advanced exchanges, for 4.x Enterprise customers.
The Top Thoughts Report is a standalone report that can be placed into your public-facing results site once the project has been closed, and features a per-question breakdown of top thoughts. Oh, did we mention that this has multi-language support as well?
The pretty new Top Thoughts Report.
Improved display of Projects in the Thoughtexchange App for Advanced exchanges for 4.x Enterprise customers.
Individual exchanges in a project are no longer a potential mile-high pile in your exchange list. Each Thoughtexchange project is now a single entry in the Home view, and you can drill down into the exchanges from a new View Project screen. Note: this will not affect how the exchanges appear to participants. Only leaders will get to see this view. It’s one of the perks.
The much-less-overwhelming Home view, which also lists the number of exchanges in the project. Pretty handy, eh?
The new and equally-pretty-handy View Project page.
Other Enhancements and Housekeeping Items
- Auto-reminder emails will now give a realistic estimate on the amount of time it takes to participate in an exchange, rather than the head-scratching assurance of “as little as 0 - None minutes”.
- A few loose ends were tied up with translation, including the subject line on our email reminders and references to months and weekdays by name.
- In Advanced exchanges, participant-flagged thoughts are immediately hidden from all participants until a moderator reviews and approves the thought.
- Fixed a pesky little quirk that made it harder than necessary to enter the confirmation code when signing up on an Android device. Life’s filled with challenges - this shouldn’t have to be one of them.
- If there is no background for an exchange, we no longer give users the “opportunity” to view it. They’ll need to go back to tracking Nessie or Bigfoot instead.
- Hovering over links and other interactive items will change the pointer to a hand, indicating that whatever it is can be clicked.
- Fixed a jiggle (don’t ask us what that means - we’ve been told it’s the technical term) in the Results view on iOS devices.
- Our Privacy dialogue now links to a new and updated help article.
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