Turning feedback into action is a critical part of running an Exchange and the Actions tool in the Results Dashboard is designed to help leaders do just that. Using Actions, leaders can create a self-prioritizing to-do list to follow up on their Exchanges with links back to the ideas that inspired or helped direct each item.
Results Dashboard
The Actions list can be opened from the Thoughts tool of the Results Dashboard by clicking the Show all Actions button at the top of the page.
This opens the main Actions side panel and displays all the Actions created so far as well as the number of thoughts linked to each, its status, and timeline (if one has been defined). Dashboard Managers can also create new Actions using the “Create new action” button at the bottom of the panel. Any Action created here will be searchable and can be assigned to any thought in the Exchange as described below.
Clicking any of the Actions will open the “Edit Action” menu where managers can edit the title of the action as well as its status and timeline. All the thoughts assigned to that Action are also visible along with their base statistics and an option to remove them from the Action. At the bottom of this menu, you can find buttons that allow managers to save any changes you make or delete the Action entirely if you’re feeling especially chaotic.
Managers can review all of the Actions associated with a particular thought by clicking the Actions button that appears on the thought itself anywhere in the Discover Dashboard where thoughts lists appear. The Thought actions panel shows all the Actions already assigned to a thought with an option to remove them if you change your mind. Managers can also search the list of all existing Actions to add a new one to the thought or use the “Create” button to create an entirely new Action without opening the main Actions side panel. You can also open the Edit action menu by clicking any Action assigned to the thought.
To help ideate and brainstorm actions a good approach as you begin is to navigate through thoughts, identify those that inspire action, and create actions from them
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