Reports is a great tool for creating custom, shareable summary reports about the results of your exchange. This tab also allows you to do a raw data download to work with however you see fit.
Thought Reports (Exchanges Only)
Interactive Web Reports (Exchanges and surveys)
Data Download (Exchanges and surveys)
Participant Response Download (Exchange and surveys)
Contact Information (Exchanges and surveys)
Response Rate Report (Surveys)
Participant Status Reports (Exchanges and surveys)
Results Dashboard
Check out our full walkthrough of the Results Dashboard to learn about all the ways you can gain insights from your data.
Thought Reports (Exchanges only)
A thought report allows you to easily share a tailored list of thoughts and their rating data with participants, decision makers, or whoever else you would like! Click the New button to create a new report and give it a title to get started.
Next, set up your Leader-defined filters including the survey question groups who’s rating data you would like to display and the number of thoughts you would like to include in the report (starting from the highest rated and moving down to lower ratings).
Allow people viewing your thought report to filter the data themselves by providing them with User-controlled filters based on some or all of your survey questions.
Finally, choose you Options for the report:
- Do you want to display the thoughts using the simple average or Bayesian (weighted) average that takes the number of ratings into account (this is the default choice).
- Choose whether to include any publicly published comments in the report.
Once you’ve got everything set up the way you like it, click the Generate button. You can now share the link with anyone you like.
Interactive Web Reports (Exchanges and surveys)
Generating an Interactive Web Report is fast, easy and is a great way to close the loop with your participants while keeping them engaged. It’s also a great place to share your next steps and the link to a follow-up engagment.
To generate a report click the ‘New’ button, give the report a name (don’t worry, you can change it later if you want), and click ‘Create.’
Note: If your engagement has Participation Groups enabled, you need to also choose whether the report is for a particular group or all groups.
Congratulations, you’re done! If you want to stick with the default text, all you need to do is scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Save’ and you can begin sharing your report.
You can also customize (or remove) report sections to focus on the topics you want. Learn more below:
The Header is where you can choose whether or not to include your organization’s logo. Simply leave the box checked to include it or uncheck it to go logoless.
Your organization’s logo is attached to your customer file. If you haven’t set that up yet, don’t worry. All you need to do is send us the logo and we will do the rest. Click here to learn more.
Exchanges: By default, your report title is the question you asked in your Exchange and the month and year the exchange was run. You’re free to change that to whatever you like, though!
Surveys: By default, your report title is the title you assigned your survey when drafting it and the month and the year the survey was run. As with Exchange reports, you are welcome to edit the title to whatever you like.
You have 3,000 characters to play with, which is a lot.
The overview is where you can explain the purpose of the engagement. Keep in mind that your web report may be viewed by people other than your participants, so introducing them to the goals you were trying to achieve can provide useful context for interpreting the results.
You have 3,000 characters to work with. If you want to provide resources for in-depth reading consider adding hyperlinks to keep your web report from being too overwhelming.
Engagement Details
Use the checkboxes in the Engagement details section to include a percentage breakdown of participation groups, the languages your participants engaged in (if multiple languages were supported in your engagement), and/or the survey questions you asked.
User-controlled filter
You can also choose to share a report with filter controls for survey questions. This means that viewers can choose how they want to group or separate the results based on those survey questions.
All you have to do is click on the pencil icon on the right hand corner of Engagement details:
You will then be prompted to add filter controls for the survey questions chosen:
This filter control allows participants to draw personalized insights from the results. With the ability to filter by questions such as school or team, they can better determine how the data relates to them, their needs, and their context, putting the power of interpretation directly in their hands.
If you've used French or Spanish translations in your engagement, you will also be able to access any Interactive Web Reports you create on your Results dashboard in those languages:
When you’re reporting on an Exchange, including a Thoughts section allows viewers of your web report to explore all the thoughts that were shared, see their average star rating, and a breakdown of the number of ratings for each thought.
You can include up to a 3,000 character description for this section, if you like.
The ‘Settings’ button in the top right corner of the section lets you choose which Thoughts report to include in your web report (if you've saved a custom thought report) and gives you the option to include or leave out any comments you’ve made on thoughts.
You can also remove this section altogether by unclicking the checkbox labeled ‘Include this section in this report.’
When you’re reporting on an Exchange, including a Topics section allows viewers to graphically explore the themes (grouped thoughts) as well as the thoughts within each and how they were rated.
You can include up to a 3,000 character description for this section, if you like.
The ‘Settings’ button in the top right corner of the section lets you choose which theme set to display (if you have created more than one). You can also choose whether or not to include comments you have made on thoughts or themes.
You can also remove this section altogether by unclicking the checkbox labeled ‘Include this section in this report.’
The ‘Closing’ section is where you can thank your participants for taking the time to participate as well as outline your next steps.
This is a great place to keep viewers informed about the timeline for making a decision, to outline the actions you are taking as the result of your engagement, or even to share the link to your next one. Running a follow-up Exchange or survey is a common and useful way to dig into unexpected results or learn more about a particular topic that came up when you initially reached out to participants.
You have 3,000 characters to work with. If you want to provide resources for in-depth reading consider adding hyperlinks to keep your summary report from being too overwhelming.
Slides automatically generates a summary presentation covering some of the most popular analysis features.
For Exchanges, Slides displays key information about:
- Overview statistics
- Breakdown of participation (including up to 10 survey questions)
- Wordcloud
- Top Thoughts
- Topics
- Differences
You can update Slides in real-time with the click of a button, and choose which slides you’d like to show or hide. Customization is available for:
- Survey Questions - select up to 10 survey questions
- Top Thoughts - choose thoughts to include or leave out.
- Topics - choose the Theme Set you want to display and the example thoughts within various Themes.
- Top thoughts by theme - choose thoughts for a given theme
- Differences - choose the comparison groups you want to show.
- Wrap-up - customize the wrap-up message with a text editor
Note: Customization features are disabled while an exchange is open. For full access to customization features, an exchange must be closed.
For surveys, the Slides report will include a summary of all questions.
Once you’re satisfied with the data displayed on your slides, you can export a PowerPoint file (hidden slides will not be included) and customize the layout however you like.
Alternatively, you can run your presentation directly from the dashboard by clicking the Present button.
Filter Slides by survey question responses
You can also filter your Slides by any combination of survey questions and participation groups in order to share a specific segment of your survey results.
This feature is currently only available for surveys.
Leader Insight Report (Exchanges only)
Leader Insight Reports are a handy new addition to the Reports tab of the dashboard that provide leaders with a quick glance summary of many of the important analysis metrics from their Exchanges as well as quick links back to the dashboard to dig deeper. The Leader Insight Report is an efficient hub that gives you a lot of what the dashboard has to offer all in one place.
Data Download (Exchanges and surveys)
The ‘Data Download’ function allows leaders to generate an excel file containing raw data from the engagement. Clicking the ‘Generate’ button produces a ZIP file that includes three spreadsheets containing:
- Exchange Data - Every thought in the Exchange, its average star rating, rank, moderation status, and a list of the themes that thought was included in.
- Participant Stats - A count and percentage breakdown of responses to the Survey Questions (if any) you included in your Exchange.
- Summary - The date the engagement was launched, the date it was closed, the status of the engagement, and a count of participants, thoughts and ratings.
Participant Response Download (Exchange and surveys)
The ‘Participant Response Download’ is only available for the Data Analyst role as a part of anonymous or confidential engagements (learn more here). This download provides a more detailed breakdown of participants’ responses.
Contact Information (Exchanges and surveys)
Engagements making use of the option to collect participant contact information will have the option to export a zip file containing participants’ names and email addresses. No other response information is provided in this file to preserve participant anonymity.
Response Rate Report
Note: This feature is available to all E360 customers - please reach out to your ThoughtExchange representative for more information.
The Response Rate Report helps you track participation trends in surveys by showing the number and percentage of respondents grouped by demographic data. It’s designed to provide high-level insights without exposing sensitive information.
When to Use the Response Rate Report:
- Ideal for surveys that use participant invitations and have the Analyze demographic data in Results feature enabled.
- Not recommended for Exchanges since they don’t have a ‘Complete’ step.
Step 1: Requirements
Before accessing the Response Rate Report, ensure the following:
- Participant invitations and Analyze demographic data in Results are turned on for your survey.
- You have access to the Reports page in your account.
Step 2: Generating the Report
- Go to the Reports page: Navigate to the Reports tab under the engagement’s Results page:
- Open the Response Rate Report and click on the Response Rate Report option.
Select a demographic group:
- From the dropdown menu, choose how you want to group the report (e.g., Department, Division, Position, or Ethnicity).
- If assignments were used, the report will default to ‘By assignment.’ You can deselect this if needed.
- Click ‘Generate’: This creates the report file.
Download the report: Once generated, click Download to save the report as a ZIP file containing a CSV file.
Understanding the Report Details
The report includes the following columns:
- <Demographic Group>: The segment by which the report is grouped (e.g., School Building, Team Name).
- # Invited: Total number of people invited in each group.
- # Responded: Total number of respondents in each group.
- % Responded: Percentage of invitees who responded.
- # Completed: Total number of completed responses in each group.
- % Completed: Percentage of invitees who completed the survey.
Row Details:
- The first row, labeled Overall, summarizes the total unfiltered response rates.
- Each subsequent row shows data for the selected demographic group or assignment.
Example Use Case
Imagine you sent a survey to invitees using unique links, and your contact list includes these demographic categories: Department, Division, Position, and Ethnicity. You could use the Response Rate Report to view participation rates for each category, but not for survey question answers (e.g., Likert scales or NPS).
Additional Notes
- The Response Rate Report uses the same calculations as the Participants card in the Survey Responses tab to ensure consistency.
- This feature is only available for engagements that use participant invitations and have demographic analysis enabled.
Participant Status Reports
Note: This feature is available by request - please reach out to your ThoughtExchange rep for more information.
The Participant Status Report is a helpful tool that allows Data Analysts to gain insights into the participation levels of invitees in engagements where participation is restricted by unique link or code. This report provides detailed information about each invitee and their status, making it easier to track and analyze participation.
- Feature Flag: The "Participation status report" must be enabled at the room level.
- Access Role: You must have a Data Analyst role to use this feature.
How to Generate and Download the Report
Navigate to the Reports Section
- Go to the Reports tab in your ThoughtExchange dashboard.
Generate the Report
- Select Participant Status Report.
- Click Generate.
Download the Report
- After the report is generated, click Download.
- The report will download as a zipped .CSV file.
What Information Does the Report Contain?
The .CSV file includes a row for each contact that was invited to the engagement, along with the following columns:
- Contact Details: First and last name, email, and any demographic data included during the contact upload.
Participation Status:
- Not Responded: The invitee has not responded.
- Partially Responded: The invitee started but did not complete the engagement.
- Completed: The invitee completed the engagement.
If you have any questions or need a hand using Reports (or any other feature), don’t hesitate to reach out to us a
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