This article covers the Moderate feature in the Results Dashboard.
- For more on things to consider when moderating, click here.
- For more on different methods for moderation, click here.
Moderate helps you keep an eye on the thoughts in your Exchange and ensure inappropriate or identifying thoughts stay hidden. That way, your participants can focus on the things that matter most.
Results Dashboard
Get the Message
So there you are, minding your own business when you receive an email notification letting you know your Exchange has thoughts for you to review.
No need to fear. You’ve got the tools at your fingertips to quickly decide if those thoughts belong in the Exchange or not. Simply click into the Results dashboard and go to the Moderate tool, a.k.a. your new best friend.
Change the View
The Moderate tool has everything you need to find every reported thought and decide what happens to it. By default, you’ll see your “Pending review” thoughts, but you can use the thought status filter at the top of the screen to quickly call up lists of all the thoughts you’ve approved or removed from the Exchange already. Sometimes it’s handy to compare a thought you are deciding on with the ones you’ve accepted or rejected already.
If you have a longer list of thoughts to moderate, it might also be helpful to change how the thoughts are sorted. The sort by filter lets you arrange the thoughts according to a number of helpful attributes, including:
You can even use the search bar to find thoughts containing specific keywords. This is especially helpful if you’re looking for a thought you previously approved, but have now changed your mind about. With the search bar, there is no need to hunt through every thought in the Exchange, because who has time for that?
Moderate the Thoughts
When you’ve found the thoughts that need moderation, making your decision is as easy as clicking the Remove button for thoughts you want removed from the Exchange and the Approve button for ones that are A-OK. You can also choose to Report a thought if you think it needs more consideration or if you need another moderator to weigh in.
Each view also provides you with helpful information about the status and history of the thought. You can quickly see:
- The current status
- Whether or not the thought is visible to your participants
- Who reviewed it (if applicable)
- The date it was entered into the Exchange
- The date it was reported
- Who reported it (a participant, our Machine Moderation tool, a member of your Moderation team, etc.)
- The reason why it was reported
- Additional comments (if available)
If you have any questions about this or any other feature, drop us a line at We’d love to hear from you!
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