Getting Started
Engagement Tools
3rd Party Survey Import - Step-by-Step Guide
Custom Translations/Supported Languages
Multiple Submissions
Configurable Privacy Settings (Classic, Anonymous, Confidential)
Collect Participant Contact Information
Manage an Engagement - Key features overview
Creating templates for survey questions, participation groups, objectives, and theme sets
Choose Who Can Participate in an Engagement
Preview Mode
Invitations, Reminders and Thank You Emails (Template text)
ThoughtExchange Google Calendar Integration
ThoughtExchange Outlook Integration
ThoughtExchange Slack Integration
Archive Engagements
Converting Your Introduction Videos
Notifications and Allow Listing
Choose Whether to Require Sign up or Login
3rd Party Survey Import - Step-by-Step Guide
How to Create an Exchange - A step-by-step guide
Design a Great Question
Tips for Running a Successful Exchange
Participation Groups: One Exchange, separate conversations
Compare Exchanges
Participant Notifications
Using Thoughts and Themes to Understand Your Results
The Importance of the Rating Ratio
Moderating Polarized Exchanges
Protecting Exchange Validity
Why do exchanges have one open-ended question?
Moderation: Philosophy and best practices
Moderation: Choosing a method
Why are participants able to jump around between the steps of an exchange?
Engaging with Students - Why and When
Designing Student Exchanges
How to Create an Exchange - A step-by-step guide
Tips, Tricks, and More
Working with Your Results
The Results Dashboard
Thoughts - View, comment, and generate reports
Survey Question Analysis
Heatmaps - See which topics matter most to each group
Differences - See what is uniting and dividing your participants
Reports - Generate and customize shareable reports and download your data
Edit Results (formerly Theme) - Sort thoughts into meaningful categories
Moderate - Monitor thoughts in realtime
Share - Grant dashboard access to other users
Keywords (formerly Wordcloud) - See what people are talking about
Commenting on Participants' Thoughts
Assigning Actions to Thoughts
Summaries - Your results in a sentence or two
Working with Results of Polarized Exchanges
Advanced Survey Question Comparison Tool
The Results Dashboard
Live Exchanges
Exchange Templates
Addressing Staff Retention by Inviting Staff into the Conversation
Exchange Template: Community Alignment with ESSER Funding
Exchange Template: Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) - Annual Update
Exchange Template: School District Strategic Planning
New York Budget Framework
A New Way for Administrators to Engage at School
Using Thoughtexchange in the Classroom
Student Voice: Exchange Settings
ThoughtExchange & The Alberta Assurance Framework
Exchange Template: Anti-Racism
Exchange Template: Supporting Diversity & Inclusion Within Your Organization
Exchange Template: Leadership Transitions in Education
Exchange Template: School District Budget Planning
Exchange Template: School District Culture and Climate
Addressing Staff Retention by Inviting Staff into the Conversation