Note: This feature is currently in beta testing and is not available on all accounts. If you would like to learn more, reach out to your ThoughtExchange rep.
Have an Exchange that you run again and again? Interested in tracking engagement and changing opinions over the life of a project? Compare Exchanges makes it easy to compare and track changes in engagement, sentiment, themes and alignment across multiple Exchanges. Use engagement stats, Exchange summaries and bars to get a complete picture of what is consistent and what has changed.
Compare Exchanges allows you to choose two or more Exchanges that you’ve previously run and instantly produces a report comparing their results.
Reports can be filtered by Survey Question responses using the Filters button at the top of the page and include three sections:
The Engagement tab provides an overview of participation statistics from the Exchanges as well as an alignment score that describes the level of agreement between your participants with regards to how they rated thoughts. Here you’ll find data on the number of participants, number of thoughts, number of ratings, and the ratings ratio (where a higher number indicated greater engagement by your participants).
The Summaries section provides you with an AI-generated summary of the key ideas shared by your participants in the Exchanges you selected. This section provides a quick glimpse into how ideas and sentiments differed across Exchanges and can point you in interesting directions to dig deeper. Click the “Thoughts” button associated with each summary to review the top thoughts for that Exchange.
The Surveys section allows you to quickly review how participants responded to the closed-ended questions posed in the Exchanges you've selected. If you asked the same questions across multiple Exchanges you can also quickly compare relative response rates between those samples. This information can be view as either a bar graph or a table (using the icons in the upper right-hand corner) and you can choose to view results by absolute numerical value or as a percentage of all responses.
The Themes section allows you to, at a glance, compare how frequently different topics came up across the Exchanges you selected and how your participants in each Exchange felt about those topics. This comparison works best if the same theme sets have been applied to all the Exchanges in question (a great opportunity to use Theme Set templates).
Note: Only theme sets that appear in the Theme tab of the Discover Dashboard for each Exchange will appear in the dropdown menu for this tool. If you are using theme set templates ensure you’ve copied them into the Theme tab.
Once you’ve selected the theme set you would like to use for your comparison you can hover over any of the bars in the visualization to see a breakdown of the number of thoughts (or average rating of the thoughts it contains) and the sentiment expressed in the theme. The icons in the top right-hand corner of the visualization allow you to change it in several ways. From left to right:
- Choose whether the information is displayed in the default bar chart or in a table.
- Choose whether the y-axis displays number of thoughts within the theme or the average star score of the thoughts it contains.
- If you choose to display the number of thoughts within a theme another option appears allowing you to select either absolute numerical values or relative percentages of thoughts per Exchange.
- Choose whether the information for each theme is displayed using data from the entire Exchange or if it is broken down by sentiment.
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