ThoughtExchange offers users several roles with different permissions based on the work a person will be doing and the settings established for their account. This article summarizes the main roles to which users can be assigned and summarizes what each can and can't do.
Account Administrator
Account Administrators control the high-level permissions on an account and track activity across all the Workspaces and Rooms set up for that account.
An Account Admin CAN:
- Access the Enterprise Insights Dashboard (which offers a summary of activity across the account).
In any Room under that account:
Add and remove Leaders across all Rooms
Edit the Custom Compliance message
Edit the Room name & settings
Edit Domain Restriction
- Create templates for theme sets, survey questions, participation groups and objectives
- Give Leaders permission to create and edit Survey Question and Participation Groups templates
- Access the Results Dashboard for existing Exchanges
- Accept the Terms of Use for Azure OpenAI and ThoughtExchange Beta features
- Depending on the account settings, import a contacts list to the ThoughtExchange account
- Access the Email log in Room Settings
An Account Admin CAN'T:
- Create new Exchanges (unless they are also added to the Leader list for a Room)
- Access the Edit screen for existing Exchanges (unless they are also added to the Leader list for a Room)
- Access the Participant Response Export (unless also a Data Analyst)
Room Administrator
Room Admins control the permissions and settings for one specific Room (an account can have many Rooms).
A Room Admin CAN:
Add and remove Leaders in the Room
Edit the Custom Compliance message for the Room
Edit the Room name & settings
Edit Domain Restrictions in the Room (if available)
- Create templates for theme sets, survey questions, participation groups and objectives
- Give Leaders permission to create and edit Survey Question and Participation Groups templates
- Access the Results Dashboard for existing Exchanges
- Access the Email log in Room Settings
A Room Admin CAN'T:
Access the Enterprise Insights Dashboard for the account
Create new Exchanges (unless they are also on the Leader list for the Room)
Access the Edit screen for existing Exchanges (unless they are also added to the Leader list for a Room)
- Accept the Terms of Use for Azure OpenAI and ThoughtExchange Beta features
- Import a contacts list to the ThoughtExchange account
- Access the Participant Response Export (unless also a Data Analyst)
Exchange Leader
An Exchange Leader creates and manages Exchanges within a particular Room (the same leader can be added to multiple Rooms). They also have access to the full suite of analysis features in the Results Dashboard for Exchanges within that Room.
An Exchange Leader CAN:
Create and edit new Exchanges
Access and edit existing Exchanges (even those created by other leaders)
Access the Results Dashboard for all existing Exchanges in the Room
- Create Results Dashboard Managers and Results Dashboard Viewers for particular Exchanges
An Exchange Leader CAN'T:
- Access the Enterprise Dashboard (unless also an Account Admin)
Add additional Leaders to the Room (unless also an Admin)
- Create and manage surveys (unless also a Survey Leader)
- Access the Participant Response Export (unless also a Data Analyst)
Survey Leader
A Survey Leader creates and manages only surveys within a particular Room (the same leader can be added to multiple Rooms). They also have access to the full suite of analysis features in the Results Dashboard for surveys (but not Exchanges) within that Room.
A Survey Leader CAN:
Create and edit new surveys
Access and edit existing surveys (even those created by other leaders)
Access the Results Dashboard for all existing surveys in the Room
- Create Results Dashboard Managers and Results Dashboard Viewers for particular surveys
A Survey Leader CAN'T:
- Access the Enterprise Dashboard (unless also an Account Admin)
Add additional Leaders to the Room (unless also an Admin)
- Create and manage Exchanges (unless also an Exchange Leader)
- Access the Participant Response Export (unless also a Data Analyst)
Data Analyst
The Data Analyst role functions when an account has either Anonymous or Confidential (or both) engagements enabled. A Data Analyst is the only role able to access the Participant Response Export.
A Data Analyst CAN:
- See existing engagements in the Room
- Access the Reports tab of all engagements in the Room
- Create reports for any engagement in the Room
- Access the Participant Response Export
A Data Analyst CAN’T:
- Create or manage engagements (unless also a Leader)
- Add additional Leaders to the Room (unless also an Admin)
- Access the Results Dashboard of any engagement (except the Reports tab)
- Access the Enterprise Dashboard (unless also an Account Admin)
Results Dashboard Manager
Occasionally, a Leader might need a hand managing or analyzing the results of an engagement from someone who is not a Leader. In those cases, they can create a Results Dashboard Manager using the Share button in the Results Dashboard.
A Results Dashboard Manager CAN:
Access all tabs in the Results Dashboard for that single engagement
Create and edit Theme sets
Comment on thoughts and themes
Create and export reports, interactive web reports, and slides
Moderate the Exchange via the "Moderate" tab
Receive notifications regarding thoughts to review
A Results Dashboard Manager CAN'T:
Edit the engagement
Create new engagements
- Access other engagements in the same Room or account (unless they have Manage permissions for those as well)
Results Dashboard Viewer
Occasionally a Leader will want to give other people access to the Results Dashboard for a particular engagement so that they can review results, but not make changes. This turns the Results Dashboard into a kind-of advanced report that can be shared. Results Dashboard Viewers can be created by Leaders using the Share button in the Results Dashboard for existing engagements.
A Results Dashboard Viewer CAN:
- Access: Results overview, Thoughts, Survey Analysis, Heatmaps, Differences, Reports, Advisor, and Edit results.
- View and create private comments on thoughts
- View actions on thoughts
- View existing reports
- Generate Slides
A Results Dashboard Viewer CAN'T:
- Access all tabs in the Results Dashboard.
- Create public comment on thoughts
- Create and export reports, and interactive web reports
- Moderate the Exchange via the "Moderate" tab
- Edit the Exchange
- Create new engagements
- Access the Results Dashboard for other engagements (unless they have Manage permissions for those as well)
If you have any questions about these roles (or anything else related to ThoughtExchange), drop us a line at We would love to hear from you!
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