In this article
Do I have to rate every thought?
What do the stars mean?
Participants rate thoughts on a scale of 1 to 5 stars based on how much they agree with an idea, how closely it matches their own experience, or how important they think it is for the leaders of the exchange to consider.
1 star = low agreement or low importance
5 stars = high agreement or high importance
How can I see more thoughts?
Thoughts are presented one at a time for rating. In order to see the next thought participants need to either rate the current thought they have been shown or skip it. Click here to learn about skipping thoughts.
Can I change my ratings?
Of course!
Participants can change the ratings they've given to thoughts by scrolling back up through the thoughts they've previously rated. Simply find the thought you've changed your mind about and click the new rating.
How do I skip a thought?
Participants can skip thoughts by clicking the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the thought bubble and choosing skip. We encourage participants to skip as few thoughts as possible and participants are asked to indicate why they are skipping a thought.
Do I have to rate every thought?
We encourage participants to try and rate between 20 and 30 thoughts. As thoughts are presented, participants can see an orange status bar letting them know how close they are to that goal and they receive messages after rating 10, 20 and 30 thoughts. After rating 30 thoughts, participants are directed to the Discover step to see which thoughts have risen to the top of the conversation, but they are free to continue rating more thoughts if they want.
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